“She just has a way about her and a wisdom that is so incredibly on point.”
— Fashion/Photo Stylist
Sometimes you just need a little support and encouragement
to work through something and move forward. I’m here for it!
Single coaching sessions now available.
Email joan@hernextact.com to find out more.
Coaching 1:1
Personal Development (Business Development if Applicable)
Focus: Life Enhancement, Empowerment + Accountability
I describe myself as a “Next Act” Coach and Enthusiast. Often women transitioning into and/or navigating their fifties, sixties and beyond find themselves at a crossroad. They know they want more but may not know how to get started. They may be wrapping up a corporate career, or find themselves with an empty nest after years of raising a family, and now have the time to pursue “whatever” they have an interest or passion for. While that’s a wonderful position to be in, and provides exciting opportunities, that blank slate can often leave one anxious - even paralyzed. This feeling of indecision, being stuck, is often made worse by a lingering belief that you may be “over-the-hill” or no longer relevant enough to pursue new ventures, or you may be unable to move beyond other roles that have dominated your life for so many years. I take the position that this does not have to be.
While some may not know exactly what it is they really want, they do know they were made for more and have so much more to contribute. This is where I come in. I help embolden women to really see themselves and identify where they are and where they want to go to create a fulfilling “Next Act”.
“The way we spend our days is, of course, the way we spend our lives.”
Annie Dillard
Ask yourself if you are living the life you want to be living. If there is any hesitation, I encourage you to take that next step.
Working together we can explore the possibilities and identify the interests and passions you may wish to pursue in whatever way feels exciting to you. I will help you with strategies to get you unstuck, to “work with” resistance and fear, and get clarity on what really lights you up. I will guide you through the process, step-by-step. Most importantly, after you clearly define the life you truly want, I will hold you accountable to take action and go after it. This is the time to cast your vision and embark on what can be one of the most meaningful and exciting chapters of your life.
Whatever your idea, if it would benefit from brainstorming in the area of marketing or branding, I will draw on my decades of experience in that field and provide you with a path forward. I can help you identify business opportunities as well as find solutions to challenges which may present themselves.
I am a creative - particularly in the area of ideating - and I love helping people uncover, develop and more fully realize their potential, pursuing their own ideas to create a fulfilling life. I am a Certified Coach, trained through an ICF accredited program, and hold a degree in Psychology. I have spent four decades in the marketing, branding and public relations field, including as head of marketing for a mid-size business, a national organization and launching my own agency. For 25 of those years, I have also been integrally involved in every aspect of the operation of a family-owned “big small business”. What I have always most enjoyed is offering guidance to others, whether to employees or outside the workplace, on ways they can develop and pursue their passions. I really don’t like to see talent squandered and I believe an unfulfilled life is often the result.
If you want to start on the path to creating your “Next Act”, enhancing the quality of your life and your enthusiasm for your “every day”, I’d love to talk! Please contact me to set up a complimentary consult - a 20-minute conversation to determine whether we might work well together. I love helping women uncover a more fulfilling life and welcome the opportunity to support you!